Woodstock Times, August 3, 2006,
excerpted from
Hervey's Day
Woodstock Turns into a Maverick Festival
by Paul Smart
As for Today's Mavericks - Janet Hofsted, Susan Kamen Marsicano, Louis Kozma, Ed Lazansky, Doris Licht, Bill Mead, and Pat
Woodbridge - we're looking forward to what promises to be a diverse allotment of talent, from Licht's wild sculptural
ceramics and Hofsted's photography to Woodbridge's set design for films and theater and Marsicano's bright surrealism,
practiced to a fine perfection.
If what we've seen of Mead's bright, innovative painting is any indication, this exhibit - stretching from the middle
galleries to WAAM's always fascinating downstairs' space - should also prove enlightening in the involved artist's use of
shapes and coloration, mood and humor apparently embedded in the landscape White first found a century ago. As well as in the
primal structures he built then, many of them still standing.